Saturday, April 21, 2012

Bill O'Reilly: A Few Millennia Behind The Times

Oh Bill O'Reilly, you so old fashioned!  Mr. O'Reilly is worried that Glee, the popular musical teen dramedy that every single one of my gay friends adores, might encourage young people to experiment with homosexuality.  After all, watching James Dean smoke made him want to smoke! It just looked so cool!

Two things.  Well, three.
1. Smoking is cool.  It's super bad for your health, but it's cool.  It is not analogous to homosexuality, except that it looks pretty sexy with sexy people and pretty disgusting with unattractive people.
2. Young people have been experimenting with homosexuality since the dawn of PEOPLE.  Exploring your sexuality is a natural and normal part of puberty.  Deal with it.
3. If young men are watching Glee, odds are pretty good that they are gay.  Glee didn't make them that way, it might just help them embrace it and even empower them.

Watching Glee "makes" young people gay no more than watching Some Like It Hot turned men into cross-dressers.  Unless, of course, it had than pernicious influence on Bill O'Reilly...?  Come on Bill, are you that easily influenced?  The folks want to know.


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